What are Flower Remedies?
Flower Remedies are a gentle form of natural healing, offering a safe and effective way to balance emotions - relieving stress, anxiety, low self-confidence, lack of energy, and much more.
Also known as ‘flower essences’, these natural infusions, made from wild flowers and tree blossoms, were originally developed in the 1930s by respected British physician, bacteriologist, and homeopath Dr Edward Bach — although similar therapeutic practices and principles date back to ancient times, across many cultures world-wide.
Working in a way that is similar to homeopathy, they have been used ever since to help balance emotions — and, in doing so, allow the body and mind to focus on healing itself.
Not to be mistaken for aromatherapy or essential oils, flower remedies are non-aromatic and are taken internally in the form of a tincture.
The bespoke remedy blends offered here are made with organic, biodynamic, wild harvested flower essences - and are tailored to each individual's unique needs.
Natural Healing
Emotional Support
Flower remedies have been found to be highly supportive in facing the daily challenges of modern life - whereby many of us can struggle with difficult emotions such as overwhelm, fear, and loneliness.
These emotional states can leave us more prone to illness, stress-related skin conditions, or simply feeling out of balance and not quite ourselves.
Flower remedies can serve as powerful tools to assist healthy self-awareness, personal development and self-care, by helping us connect to our most authentic selves. And as the adage goes; beauty comes from within, flower remedies are a particularly effective treatment to incorporate into one’s daily skincare and beauty rituals.
In a world where we are encouraged to seek external solutions to internal issues, flower remedies exist as gentle yet profound tools to help improve our lives by healing from within.
There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness -Edward Bach
Classical Bach Consultation
Consultations are a safe and confidential place to unburden challenging emotions - in an environment of down-to-earth empathy and non-judgment.
Each consultation includes an up to one hour conversation, where we will identify the issues and emotions that are challenging you most at present.
Once the appropriate selection of remedies have been chosen, you will receive your personalised treatment blend to take home.
Consultations can be held in person or online via video-call world-wide.
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